Microneedling + PRP

Microneedling, also called collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses gentle, microscopic needles to puncture your skin, penetrating the subdermal tissue to create micro-wounds. As it heals, your skin dramatically increases its collagen and elastin production, resulting in skin that appears smoother, stronger, and rejuvenated.


Over time, you may lose facial volume due to a natural decrease in collagen, resulting in thin lips, hollow cheeks, or a worn facial appearance. Injectable fillers provide a beautifully balanced way to restore lost volume for a natural, healthy look.

SoME Skincare with PRP 

Over time, you may lose facial volume due to a natural decrease in collagen, resulting in thin lips, hollow cheeks, or a worn facial appearance. Injectable fillers provide a beautifully balanced way to restore lost volume for a natural, healthy look.